Value Creation for Biodiversity

Sectorial Communication Strategy

Biodiversity Friendly recognizes products and services that favor the conservation and upkeep of biodiversity.

Biodiversity is a crucial aspect of our planet's health and well-being. To promote and differentiate products and services that contribute to biodiversity conservation, the design team Tekio, Collective Intelligence Agency, developed a sectorial communication strategy called "Value Creation for Biodiversity." This strategy aims to highlight and celebrate the efforts made by various industries in Mexico, including coffee, cacao, honey, silvopasture, forestry, and ecotourism, to protect and sustain biodiversity.

The unique aspect of this strategy lies in its visually appealing system that can be applied in both rural and premium markets. It characterizes products and services with biodiversity-friendly practices, making them easily recognizable and desirable to consumers. By addressing a multi-target audience, the strategy positions the value of being biodiversity-friendly as a movement rather than a mere certification.

All printed materials associated with this strategy, such as brochures and packaging, are made using biodegradable inks and paper sourced from biodiverse friendly forests in Mexico. This commitment to sustainability extends beyond the messaging and into the production process, ensuring that the strategy aligns with its intended purpose.

The implementation of this sectorial communication strategy involved extensive research and collaboration with stakeholders and experts. Through ethnographic and anthropological field research, the design team gained a deep understanding of the concept of biodiversity-friendly and the context within the six systems of production. This research helped identify the differential essence of the attribute and design the differentiation value architecture.

To effectively communicate the strategy, a manual was created for leading institutions to promote biodiversity-friendly practices. Additionally, sensitive guidelines were developed for producers, taking into consideration the varying levels of sophistication of their products. Group workshops were conducted to facilitate knowledge sharing and foster a sense of community among the participants.

The pilot campaign for "Value Creation for Biodiversity" was launched in November 2018 and has been ongoing nationwide in Mexico. The strategy has garnered attention and recognition, winning the Iron A' Design Award in 2019. This prestigious award acknowledges the strategy's well-designed, practical, and innovative approach, which meets professional and industrial requirements while contributing to a better world.

By highlighting the importance of biodiversity and celebrating the efforts of industries to protect it, "Value Creation for Biodiversity" aims to create a positive impact on both the environment and society. It serves as a reminder that our choices as consumers can contribute to a more sustainable and biodiverse future.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Tekio
Image Credits: Andrés Rivera González
Project Team Members: Marcela Quintana Mervyn Cruz Ana Lacorte Citlalli Mazariegos Diego Carpio Tania Pineda Guadalupe Isaac Salvador Alcántara Óscar Hernandez
Project Name: Value Creation for Biodiversity
Project Client: Tekio

Value Creation for Biodiversity IMG #2
Value Creation for Biodiversity IMG #3
Value Creation for Biodiversity IMG #4
Value Creation for Biodiversity IMG #5
Value Creation for Biodiversity IMG #5

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